I wrote this now at 9:27 am , hahahah..
To be honest im not a morning person.
But today special i wake up early morning and make BROWNIES STEAMED.
My place don't have oven so i have to be smart to explore my hidden talent. LOL. I search for all receipe and video at youtube that no need oven to make a cake.
Early i have done make :
• Mille Cake aka Crepes Cake
• Nuttela Mousse with Oreo
(All the picture you can check at my instagram @CulinaryByCarlyk)
And today is the day for Brownies Steamed !! Yay , im so excited , this activity make my eye still open (my bad habit is sleeping over load , LOL , ok not kinda like that creepy)
The ingredient is so simply:
Flour , Sugar , Egg , Baking Powder , instant coffee powder , Dark chocolate , Fresh Milk, butter !!And i steamed it at Rice cooker (this is the case when you don't have steamer)
First , i put a half cup the dough , and also i add Strawberry Jam in the middle , and cover it again with the dough.
Steam it about 25minutes and .... Walla its Super Duper Delicious , taste to the perfection 👍 !!
I share this with my friends and also the security and girls that selling juice around the building and also the man that selling expresso (you might dizzy to read, hahhaha)
Yeahh, they said "delicious"
And when you near my place , please come over and i will make you FRESH Brownies Steamed with strawberry Jam !! Hot from the steamer.
I cut my finger incidently , its ok, no pain no gain no delicious brownies no happy tummy !! If you never been cut before, then you not yet being a cook !! YAY INDEED..
(Psstt , i love to collect bandages , all the different colors , shape , and picture . Mom always say why you love to put bandages even for small wound ?? Since you a kid .. I answer Well mom , this is me !! Your cool kid !! LOL)
I don't know this lately i just love to make a cake , first because i love to watch Cooking and Baking Show on tv , and i search other video on youtube , ones my favorite is "How To Cook That by Ann Reardon" :: She is SO TALENTED !! To look at her channel at youtube make you feels "ok i can bake too." I learn so much from her !! Also i love her accent , Australian Accent and British Accent is my dream accent , i wish im a british , hohoho !! (Well i might be have a british heritage ,, hohooh)
I such a weirdo (in my head there is always something new i want to try, Cook/Bake/Safe Animals/Song Writer/Preach/Judge/etc) i told to my mom, mom i want to study Pastry at London , mom very support about that, but my dada say NOOOOO. BIG NO NO NO !!! well he always be like that, over protected . Hahahah..
But it won't take long time i think , might be only 1-2 years, no big problem right?? Hahahah..
But i think i have to save a lot of money for that.. Or Ann Reardon want to open class soon at Australia , im will going right away !! Hahhahhaha !!
Ok back to the Brownies Steam with Strawberry Jam , i just make 1/2 from the recipe (9 aluminums cups) !!
Thanks you so much to spend your time to read my blog !!
Love yaaa!!
(Instagram @CulinaryByCarlyk)
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