Jumat, 27 April 2012

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Question : Which country you want to live apart from your state now?
Answer : ENGLAND

i adore England, British people so much.. 
since i watch MasterChef Aus (i know they are not literally stay in England,but to my knowledge they were once colonized by the British) , they accent is so cool, different from US accent. i start to learn how to speeking with the UK accent..^^v
Watch from their habit and attitude they are nice person, polite, and friendly.
with kingdom backgrounds, make them different from the mostly west people.
they culture,building is so MAGIC, like living in the fairy tale..

look at the duchess of cambridge ( kate middleton ) , they were born to live as a noble.
wow, i can't describe how excited i am if i can going there..
i wish i can take my another level (study) at London..
yeah FingerCross DREAM COME TRUE..

xoxo CK 

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