Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

My heart is God's house

Kujadikan hati ini
'tuk kediamanMu
Kuserahkan hidup ini
UntukMu Allahku

Di hati inilah rumahMu
Di hati inilah baitMu
Di manapun ku 'kan berada
Senantiasa Kau pun ada

Favorite song!!
Email address : carlykrahel@gmail.com

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012


Famous Magazine!!

On Gramedia, Store Book

Harper's Bazaar INDONESIA
Thanks for visit and read my blog!!
(God bless you)

Email address : carlykrahel@gmail.com 

Frozen Yogurt

Tutti Frutti is my fave store to eat Frozen Yogurt,
here the store looks:

Tutti Frutti

Tutti Frutti

Be a good sister

today I accompanied my brother to the photograph academic at Central Park.
and after he in to the class, i take my own quality time.. 

this is what i got :
By spending 2 hours , i got this things, MAP and 3 Books.
i buy this for preparing my last thesis, my last thesis exam just right infront of my face, so have to hurry and study..

Email address : carlykrahel@gmail.com

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

So blessed !!

More than I could hope or dream of
You have poured Your favor on me
One day in the house of God is
Better than a thousand days in the world

So blessed, I can't contain it
So much, I've got to give it away
Your love taught me to live now
You are more than enough for me

You see, I'm so blessed, I can't contain it
So much, I've got to give it away
Your love taught me to live now
You are more than enough for me

Lord, You're more than enough for me
Lord, You're more than enough for me
Lord, You're more than enough for me
Lord, You're more than enough for me
Email address : carlykrahel@gmail.com

Jesus, You gave Your best when I did nothing at all

It’s amazing how You can speak right to my heart
With our Daddy’s Word, we can light up the dark
Triumphs are made, I could never explain
The width of Your love and the depth of Your grace

The smile on Your face lets me know that You love me
There’s a truth in Your eyes saying You’d never leave me
The touch of Your hand says You’ll catch me if ever I fall
You gave Your best when I did nothing at all

All alone we could never speak for ourselves
That’s why You came & took our sins upon Yourself
You died on the Cross and You rose from the grave
You’ve set us on high, by Your grace at Your side

The smile on Your face lets me know that You love me
There’s a truth in Your eyes saying You’d never leave me
The touch of Your hand says You’ll catch me if ever I fall
You gave Your best when I did nothing at all

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012


Me and my brother attend church at Balai Sarbini-Jakarta (Gereja Tiberias Indonesia) 14:00 WIB and 17:00 WIB (Boanerges)
so blessed can praise and worship with all people there..
Thanks God, i know so many people want to have my spot standing and praise You at this chruch..
bring my brother the new environment that he never experimented before.
such a quality time together..
feel all the amazing atmosfer right there, O HOW BLESSED WE ARE!!

After church, we're taking our dinner..
we try new store "ROPPAN" japanese resto..
all about Bread, but another menu you also can eat rice with katsu and many more..

These few photos for you to enjoy!!
(Thanks for visit my blog)


Ritual before going to chruch!!

Olla guys,
today, i take my quality time at salon "Candra Zhang"
Manicure, there is so many color to chose, but i chose white from REVLON!
Quite natural.
and take a creambath!!
i want looking good before meet my God!!

These few photos for you to enjoy!!

tada... pretty!!
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9
Step 10

Step 11


Many color

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Neil Armstrong , Tue 16 July 1969

The first man landing on the moon!
Increased knowledge, watching MIB 3 (Men In black) and grab some knowledge, I draw this so I can remember someday if someone asking me about this moment!! Haaha..

By drawing / write something with your own hand can make your memory remember it longer!!!

Men In Black

Today is brotherhood's day!!
Hang out to watch MIB 3D with my bro!!
To match with the film, so I wear black top too!! Hahaha.. Now I could say "I'm in BLACK"

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Draw for someone special

Happy birthday!!
God showering you with all His kindness, blessing, and love.
Prov 3:16-17

Hope see u soon!

His protection all the time

Perlindungan-Nya sepanjang masa.
Saya berpikiran dalam setiap berdoa kita pasti menyebut pertama kali/akhir "Dalam Nama Bapa, Putra, dan Roh Kudus, dalam nama Tuhan Yesus kristus."
Pasti ada alasan yang dari mana rangkaian kata-kata tersebut, saya menemukannya.

dibawah ini adalah foto yang saya gambarkan sendiri dengan warna pelangi, mengapa harus warna pelangi ? pelangi adalah Janji Tuhan kepada dunia tidak akan ada lagi air bah melalui hamba-Nya Nuh.
dari zaman nuh sampai hari ini kita masih sering melihat fenomena pelangi ini.

His protection of all time.
in every prayer we must first call / end of "In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ."
There must be reasons where this word come from? i found it.
Below : the drawing with the colors of the rainbow, why should the color of the rainbow? rainbow is the promise of God to the world there will be no flood, through his servant Noah.
from full time(Noah) to this day we still often see this phenomenon of the rainbow.

Terlihat pada zaman Adam dan Hawa, Nuh, Abraham, dan Musa , Allah sendiri yang berinteraksi langsung dengan manusia melalui suara-Nya dari Sorga, kemudian tongkat estafet dilanjutkan oleh Putra Tunggal-Nya Yesus Kristus ke bumi, lahir sebagai manusia dan mati bangkit dalam kemuliaan yang menyatakan bahwa Dia satu-satunya yang dapat mengalahkan maut. Dan untuk mempersiapkan rumah bagi kita orang yang percaya.

Tertulis dalam Yohanes 14 : (2) Di rumah Bapa-Ku banyak tempat tinggal. Jika tidak demikian, tentu Aku mengatakannya kepadamu. Sebab Aku pergi ke situ untuk menyediakan tempat bagimu.(3) Dan apabila Aku telah pergi ke situ dan telah menyediakan tempat bagimu, Aku akan datang kembali dan membawa kamu ke tempat-Ku, supaya di tempat di mana Aku berada, kamupun berada.

Tongkat estafet di lanjutkan kepada Roh Kudus, tertulis dalam Yoh 16 : (7) Namun benar yang Kukatakan ini kepadamu: Adalah lebih berguna bagi kamu, jika Aku pergi. Sebab jikalau Aku tidak pergi, Penghibur itu tidak akan datang kepadamu, tetapi jikalau Aku pergi, Aku akan mengutus Dia kepadamu.

Tongkat estafet yang terakhir akan diserahkan kembali kepada Yesus, Nanti, pada saat kedatang-Nya yang kedua kali, tertulis dalam Yohanes 14 : (3) Dan apabila Aku telah pergi ke situ dan telah menyediakan tempat bagimu, Aku akan datang kembali dan membawa kamu ke tempat-Ku, supaya di tempat di mana Aku berada, kamupun berada.
menyatakan Diri sebagai Raja yang sudah ada sejak purbakala, sebagai Yesus Kristus. Tidak seorang pun yang tau akan hari tersebut, tertulis dalam Markus 13 : (32) Tetapi tentang hari atau saat itu tidak seorangpun yang tahu, malaikat-malaikat di sorga tidak, dan Anakpun tidak, hanya Bapa saja."

Faktanya, sejak dunia dijadikan, sejak manusia menduduki bumi dan sampai hari ini, sampai Dia Yesus Kristus datang kedua kalinya, DIA Allah tidak akan pernah meninggalkan kita, Dia selalu memberikan pertolongan-Nya kepada kita.

Seen in the days of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, and Moses, God himself who interact directly with the people through His voice from Heaven, then followed by the baton of His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to earth, born as human beings and the dead rise up in glory He stated that the only one who can defeat death. And to prepare the house for us who believe.

Written in John 14: (2) In My Father's house there are many dwelling places (homes). If it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going away to prepare a place for you.(3) And when (if) I go and make ready a place for you, I will come back again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.

The Holy Spirit continues the baton, written in John 16 : (7) However, I am telling you nothing but the truth when I say it is profitable (good, expedient, advantageous) for you that I go away. Because if I do not go away, the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you [into close fellowship with you]; but if I go away, I will send Him to you [to be in close fellowship with you].

The last baton will be handed back to him, Later, at the time of his arrival the second time, written in John 14 : (3) And when (if) I go and make ready a place for you, I will come back again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.
Declared as the King who has been around since antiquity, as Jesus Christ. No one will know these days, written in Mark 13 : (32) But of that day or that hour not a [single] person knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

In fact, since the world began, since humans occupied the earth and to this day, Jesus Christ until He comes the second time, He will never forsake us, He always gives His help to us.never forsake us.
so, always say this in your prayers "In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ."

God bless you all..